On the first page of my blog, there is an error and here it is; Hi – My name is Tom and I fear we have stopped listening to each other! So… where is the error? The simple truth is, we do listen to each other when we agree with the speaker’s position on a topic. My statement should have read; Hi – My name is Tom and I fear we have stopped listening to each other if we happen to disagree on a subject. That would have been a better opening line and probably more correct!
An important question for your consideration might be – what harm is done by not listening to opinions that differ with mine? If we honestly respond to that question, one answer should be that we will not grow intellectually if we choose to avoid challenging our beliefs. That outcome is sad and very unfortunate. However, even worse than not growing as an individual, we may stop others from growing if we choose the path of shutting down opinions we find challenging. Let’s discuss our Cancel Culture!
When thinking about Cancel Culture, a good place to start is with an explanation / definition of just what is meant by this term. Please review the YouTube video below.
Now let’s take a look at Macquaire’s Dictionary for their definition of the term Cancel Culture:
Noun – the attitudes within a community which call for or bring about the withdrawal of support from a public figure, such as cancellation of an acting role, a ban on playing an artist’s music, removal from social media, etc., usually in response to an accusation of a socially unacceptable action or comment.Jan 13, 2021
(Macquarie Dictionary is widely used in Australia)
Both definitions basically reference a withdrawal of support for people with whom we disagree. When we try to “cancel” a person or their movement, we are working to silence their thoughts and opinions. We attempt to marginalize them and discredit the person or movement. The “silencing” of certain groups or individuals has been an issue throughout history however, the “silencing” that we are seeing today, as a consequence of the widespread use of social media, is especially challenging. In America 2024, we espouse the right to free speech with one small caveat, as long as we are in agreement. The moment a speaker break ranks with “my group or tribe”, they become the enemy. Now – let me ask a simple question – should you silence people with opinions that are incongruent with yours? I think the answer is rather obvious, don’t you?
As a people we need to do the following:
- Listen respectfully!
- Seek to understand!
- Accept the notion that you may be wrong!
- Be tolerant of beliefs that are opposite of yours.
- Stop labeling people that have a different perspective.
- See others with a different viewpoint as potential teachers / mentors.
- Show respect for all people by trying to find common ground!
Please take a moment to consider this writing and let me know your thoughts! Tom
3 responses to “Cancel Culture – Why Not Dial Down the Anger!”
Excellent Thomas, I think the last statement says it all.
RESPECT! We have lost it in so many places, and it starts in schools. A large percentage, not all have, have lost this critical aspect of life. With respect comes acceptance. Our country was founded on acceptance . I wish our politicians today would practice respect, address the issues and define their solution, or suggested solution. I guess we the people are exposed to so much disrespect, it’s becoming difficult to understand what is acceptable. So thank you for writing, and allowing me the opportunity to vent.
Firstly Joe, thanks for taking the time to review the post! As Americans, we need to dial back our inability to hear a different viewpoint. The time frame leading to a presidential election becomes “fertile soil” for turning our backs on those that see a candidate differently. My hope is that we can move forward as a nation once this election is over! It is going to be interesting!
I am reading “ the Bill of Obligations” ten Habits of good citizens by Richard Haass. I think you would enjoy this book. He has spent his whole career in foreign affairs.
He is going to be lecturing here soon. He basically talks about how everyone should take personal responsibility to make this world a better place.
Now theres a good concept!!!!